This pack includes over 40 printables and will kick start your Spring Term without any prep whatsoever!
Just print and go!
Over 30 writing tasks (specific for Spring)
These include but are not limited to The Lifecycle of the Butterfly, Plants, Spring Animals and Weather.
Check out the preview!
ALSO-Over 20 writing task cards (laminate for long term durability)
These are in colour AND b/w. Perfect for Literacy Stations/Centres.
Suitable for KS1/KS2
Included in this bumper pack are over 80 Playdough mats.
Some of these mats have specific tasks such as but not limited to-
Make 2 cats
Make an apple
Other mats include letter formations in lower and upper case.
Laminate these mats and they will last you for years!
Check out the preview!
Included in this pack are 20 written tasks and 20 picture tasks – students that are able to read may use these cards then carry out the task, this can be done individually or as a group. Other students should be encouraged to guess what ‘character or animal’ the students are ‘acting’ out. They may use props, draw pictures (similar) and/or use non-verbal communication cues.
This can be tricky with the Lower EYFS but after a few sessions, students become familiar with the concept and begin to really enjoy this! It is great for those students who may be ELL, using non-verbal communication is great for everyone!
Includes picture cards only for those that are unable to read.
I have used the picture cards during Circle Time (we choose a card and then we pick a book related to the card and/or think of a Nursery Rhyme).
Enjoy this mini challenge pack!
Includes 15 A4 Pages - 4 cards per slide.
Check out the preview!
Over 15 Spring Writing Templates
Includes Australian Dotted Thirds, USA double spaced lines and UK formation templates for EYFS/KS1 and single line for KS2.
Check out the preview
You can find other Spring Resources by clicking on any of the links below!
Spring Writing and Poetry Pack
Spring Story Starters and Task Cards
Spring Creative Writing Pack
Need some Spring Themed flashcards for your Word Wall? Need something to go with your Easter Bunny hunt?
Grab these beautifully illustrated high frequency word flashcards! Check out the preview-
Over 120 Words included.
Perfect for EYFS/KS1 or ELL